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Aunties Doggie Day Care Blog

Welcome to our thoughts and musings on all things doggie related.
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Grooming Your Dog's Hair with Clippers

Before you cut your first dog hair, make sure you treat your dog safely and plan how you're going to clip her. Your dog needs to be clean and have all mats and tangles brushed out of her coat before you start clipping. Doing so makes it easier for you to clip the coat evenly.

Preparing for success

You have your clippers and your dog. Now, what do you do to keep from running afoul while using the clippers? Here are some handy tips for getting your dog used to the clippers and keeping your dog looking good:

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A warm welcome to Auntie's Doggie Day Care!

​Aunties Doggie Daycare provides a range of services including Day Care, a Spa, Grooming Service, Dog Walking service, a Boutique and an online shop.

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